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Birmingham UFO Group (BUFOG) was founded in late 2007 by Craig Lowe and Mark Martin with the assistance of UFO Research Midlands (UFORM). Our main aims are to gain a deeper understanding of the nature of the UFO phenomenon through active investigation, and to provide the city of Birmingham with a friendly open-minded community for those with an interest in the subject. We officially support the idea that some UFOs are advanced craft piloted by other intelligences, although most sightings can be explained as misidentification of mundane objects. Our Chairman and other investigators regularly release detailed case reports, which are available to read elsewhere on this site.

We hold monthly meetings in Oldbury, Birmingham, which you are more than welcome to attend. These meetings are open to everyone, not just official group members, and often feature talks by ufologists or paranormal researchers. We also host occassional sky watches or excusrsions at locations across the UK. On Facebook we have an organization page where meetings and released case reports are announced, and a community page named BUFOG Truthseekers where we regularly discuss the subject and post interesting videos, photographs and web links. We also have a Youtube channel where group-related videos are posted.

Whether you have had a recent or past UFO or alien experience we would very much like to hear from you, no matter where you live. BUFOG investigates cases from all around the globe, not just locally. We understand the sensitivity of this subject and your confidentiality is assured. We will only release a case report with your permission, and details can be modified or omitted to ensure your anonymity. We offer advice and support for abductees and are experienced in cases of this nature.

Keep seeking the truth!

Copyright Dave Hodrien 2025

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