Ben Emlyn-Jones - SETI and UFO's
Thu, 06 Oct
|Hot Shots
"SETI", the "Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence", is a scientific project to find intelligent life beyond the earth. So is UFOlogy. Then why are the two so divided from each other?

Time & Location
06 Oct 2022, 19:30 – 07 Oct 2022, 23:00
Hot Shots, 100 Crosswells Rd, Oldbury B68 8HH, UK
About the event
Entrance Fee: £5.00 (no advanced booking necessary)
Ben Emlyn-Jones is a former hospital porter and independent journalist who, over the course of his life, has come to realize that subjects most people laugh at like UFO's, the paranormal and government cover-ups are real. Not only are they real, they are the most important issues affecting the world today. Gaining an understanding of them has become a necessity. Ben is the author of the books Roswell Rising - a Novel of Disclosure and its two sequels. He writes for the HPANWO blog and has a column in UFO Truth Magazine.
Recently the James Webb space telescope has revealed new and incredible information about the universe, but will it find aliens? "SETI", the "Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence", is a scientific project to find intelligent life beyond the earth. So is UFOlogy. Then why are the two so divided from each other?
In addition to Ben's talk, BUFOG's Chairman Dave will provide an investigation update, cover the latest UFO news and run one of our infamous raffles with some great relevant prizes up for grabs! Everyone welcome, whether you've been to BUFOG before or have only just discovered us.
Please Note: Birmingham UFO Group is entirely non-profit. All entrance fees go towards paying for the venue and the events that we hold. For any queries please contact Dave on or 07990576577.