Meet The Team
Dave Hodrien
BUFOG Chairman & Lead Investigator

Dave has been interested in UFOs since childhood, and feels that the evidence available points towards interaction between the human race and other advanced intelligences of extra-terrestrial origin. He looks at the subject with both an open and an analytical mind. Since becoming the lead investigator for the Birmingham UFO Group he has directly investigated hundreds of UFO sightings and contact experiences, many from around Birmingham, but others from elsewhere in the UK and abroad. His official reports on many of these incidents can be found elsewhere on the site. He has a particular interest in the contact aspect of the subject and regularly provides confidential support for experiencers.
He is also the UK Deputy Representative for ICER - The International Coalition for Extraterrestrial Research. ICER is an organisation with representatives from 28 countries across 5 continents. It supports the view that UFOs are real, act with intelligence and are likely to be non-human/ET in origin.
Dave is experienced in giving lectures on the UFO subject, and has spoken at many conferences and groups. Details of his talks can be found on the Lectures page. He is a regular contributor to UFO Truth magazine, and has previously written for UFO Matrix, Paranormal magazine and Outer Limits. He has appeared on TV and radio numerous times. He is also the designer of UFO Wave, a strategic card game entirely based on the subject.
If you would like to book Dave for a talk, wish to discuss an experience you have had with him or have a question about the group please get in touch.
Ian Jones
BUFOG Investigator
Ian has looked into the UFOs since the age of 12 and has read many books on the subject since then. He joined BUFORA briefly in the mid 1970s and wrote for Flying Saucer Review. He always hoped to get more involved in the subject when he retired, so he was pleased to find that BUFOG is a welcoming, grounded, serious group of individuals, who are able to debate all aspects of the UFO subject in a respectful, no-nonsense way.
His view is that there is no one answer to the phenomenon but that the evidence accumulated over the last 70 years confirms that UFOs definately exist. He feels it not yet possible to scientifically prove what they are, which is partly a failure of the scientific community. Politics, disinformation and ridicule also influence how the phenomenon is seen.
Ian has a professional qualification in psychology and is interested in peoples' perceptions, their memories, descriptions and theories about what they say they have experienced. Witness reports can add to our knowledge of UFOs, which has to be a good thing. He has not yet seen a UFO or had any paranormal experiences, but he remain optimistic! He is proud to contribute to the group's activities and produce interesting reports.

James Brodie
BUFOG Investigator

James has been a UFO and Paranormal investigatory for over twenty years working with a number of groups across the West Midlands. His interest has come from a number of personal experiences including a close encounter in his late teens, and a Men In Black experience ten years later. James is delighted to have joined an experienced, professional and welcoming team who are able to freely discuss ufology and associated phenomena.
From his own research and subsequent presentations James proposes that UFOs and the paranormal are part of the same experience. He believes that both phenomena are closely linked to frequency and how the conscious mind is able to interact with it. He also believes that both phenomena are likely multi-dimensional in nature.
James prefers to use physics and conventional science to explain experiences where ever possible. He also believes that every experience is deeply personal to the viewer and they should be treated with compassion and respect.
George Gregg
BUFOG Investigator
George is a retired academic who has spend most of his time as a psychical researcher and occasionally as a UFO investigator. He has been interested in claims of anomalous phenomena and UFO's for nearly 45 years. He is not consciously aware of having any specific psychical abilities or skills himself, and is yet to have a UFO encounter. However he has had a number of intriguing anomalous experiences over the years which he has found hard to explain in prosaic terms.
From September 2012 he set himself the task of evaluating the best evidence for the afterlife and the UFO / alien abduction / contact experience. This work is still on-going and each aspect will be examined on a case by case basis, through a review of the literature and personal research and investigation.
George brings the knowledge and skills that he has developed over the years in psychical research to assist in the investigation, reporting and understanding of the UFO phenomena.

Rob Buckle
BUFOG Hypnotherapist

Rob is a professionally trained hypnotherapist who has an interest in the UFO subject. He performs hypnotic regressions from his home in Birmingham.
He assists BUFOG with contact cases involving missing time elements, regressing experiencers in an effort to uncover additional information they are not conciously aware of.