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25th July 2011 – Bexhill – Yellow Orb Sighting

Birmingham UFO Group Case Report

Author: Dave Hodrien

Originally forwarded by Richard Hall

Release Date: 17/08/2011

Last Updated: 05/11/2024


Sighting Details


Late evening around the 25th July 2011, Richard Wilson was out with his girlfriend in Egerton Park, Bexhill, East Sussex. They were sitting on a park bench chatting. It was 10.30pm and a clear night, with the stars visible in the sky overhead.


Aerial map of Egerton Park

Suddenly the couple noticed a yellow orb of light at high altitude. It was hard to tell exactly how high or how large the object was. However its movement pattern was very interesting indeed. It seemed to be moving erratically in a curved zig zag pattern, almost like a fly darting around. It was moving quite fast and moved right across the sky within 20 seconds. After this it seemed to ascend out of sight.


The witnesses were very confused at what they had just witnessed. The object had seemingly moved too fast to have been a Chinese lantern, and its erratic flight pattern meant it could not have been a conventional aircraft.


Sighting Analysis


This is an unusual sighting due to the movement pattern. However it cannot be put out of the question that the object was a Chinese lantern being buffeted around in strong air currents. At ground level it was a still night but perhaps at high altitude there was a strong breeze blowing. This could have caused the object to drift at a very fast pace across the sky and perhaps be buffeted back and forth as it went. Lanterns are generally fiery orange in colour, however when they burn brightly they can appear yellow. There is also the possibility that it was not a lantern but was a yellow coloured LED balloon.


That said it did seem to be moving across the sky at a very fast speed. Also there are many UFO cases where objects have been reported making sudden sharp erratic movements just like the witnesses describe. It is not known why the ETs would need to fly their craft in this manner. Perhaps on these occasions they have been scanning the air, or maybe even intentionally putting on a display of their flight capabilities. So although I feel this was more likely to have been a lantern, there is still the chance it was something else entirely.


Copyright Dave Hodrien 2024



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