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Writer's pictureChairman Dave

Manchester Contact Case - Abductions, Missing Time, UFO Sightings, Psychic Abilities, Paranormal Activity

Birmingham UFO Group Report

Author: Dave Hodrien

Release Date: 31/10/2010

Last Updated: 16/10/2024


Note: For reasons of anonymity pseudonyms have been used


Psychic Abilities


On numerous occasions "Derek" has had experiences which have lead him to believe he is psychic. In 1966 when he was 7 years old and at primary school, he had a dream about being in class. The teacher was writing some sums on the board, and underneath them he could see the answers written in golden numbers. The following day at school the teacher wrote out the same sums, and he remembered the answers from his dream! He was able to tell the teacher and got them all right. The teacher picked up the answers book, glanced at it with a puzzled look, then at him, but did not say anything to him directly.


When he was in his twenties and used to go clubbing with his friends, Derek would become aware of where fights were going to occur, hours before they would take place. When he walked into a place where something was going to happen the air would feel heavy, and the mood would be dark. After the fight/incident was over, this mood would lift and he would feel much happier.


In May 2009, Derek's neighbour lost her purse while outside. She informed Derek and asked if he had seen it around. In the following weeks, when Derek walked the dog around the neighbourhood he would feel a strange energy force at once particular place. It felt like butterflies under his rib cage. Derek knew that when he felt this energy it meant he was close to finding the lost purse. One day when he walked past the area the feeling was very intense. He knew that this meant he would find it. Looking around, sure enough there it was on the pavement near to him! He handed it back over to his neighbour.


Derek sometimes sees a glowing light/aura around certain people, including various girls he has been in relationships with over the years. It tends to appear at random and stays for a while before fading away. He has gone for an eye test at the Royal Oldham Eye Clinic and was told that there was nothing wrong with his vision.


Sometimes when he meets people he will instantly gain an understanding of what they are like even before speaking with them. When he first met his ex-wife he sensed that she and him would get married but also later divorce. He went ahead with the marriage anyway, and hoped that he was wrong, but this prediction did sadly come true.


On various occasions when he has won something like a raffle or a bet he has got the feeling of an electric shock in the palm of his hand. This feeling goes up his arm to his head, and when it happens he knows he has won before being told.

One time Derek’s father was in for an operation at a hospital in South Manchester. Derek went to visit him. While there he bought several strips of tickets for a prize draw to win a signed Manchester City football. When the nurse handed him the second strip of tickets he felt the electric shock and knew that he was going to win. He told the nurse he had won and she asked him how he knew before the tickets were drawn. Derek told her about the electric shock feeling but she did not believe him. The following evening Derek returned to the hospital to see his dad. The prize draw had taken place and sure enough he had won the prize!


When someone he knows of dies, Derek sees a bright blue ball of energy flash up in his vicinity. Whenever he sees this he knows that he will find out about someone's death within a few days. An example of this took place after he had got divorced. His son was staying over for the weekend at his house. Late on the Friday evening a bright ball of light flashed up near the window of the living room. It was not only seen by Derek, his son saw it too and asked what it was. In the morning his ex-wife rang up to say that her mum had suddenly passed away several hours earlier.


In May 2009 Derek 's mother wanted to visit Moston Spiritualist Church on Church Lane for a reading from a medium, so Derek took her along. While there the medium asked Derek if he too would like a reading. He decided out of curiosity to agree to this. When the medium held his hands, she informed him that he had a gift and asked him if he would like to join the church. He went along to see what it was like but decided not to return.


Photograph of Moston Spiritualist Church

Contactees often report possessing psychic abilities, sometimes since birth, other times developed over time. It is so regularly reported that I feel there is a definite link between the two. It is possible they are given these abilities intentionally like a gift, or they may just be a side effect of experiencing contact.


The Orange Orb


In August 1977 when he was 18 years old, Derek lived with his parents at a house on Westminster Road, Failsworth. At the time he worked for Oldham Council in Werneth Park as an apprentice gardener. On evening he was walking home, and was on Roman Road. It was a dark and overcast night with no stars visible.


Suddenly he noticed a glowing orange ball of light over a chimney at the Argyll Mill on Holt Lane, which was visible from his position. The object looked about 20 feet in diameter and was glowing very brightly. Derek stopped walking and stared at the object for several minutes. It remained motionless in the sky.


Aerial map showing the estimated position on Roman Road where the witness was (A) and Holt Lane  where the Argyll Mill used to be (B). Westminster Road can also be made out

Witness drawing of the orange sphere by the mill

His next memory was arriving back home. His mother said he was late back and asked where he had been. His meal was going cold on the table. He did not check the clock so had no idea what time it was or how long his journey home had taken. He told his mother he had no idea why he was late back. Although he could not identify the object he had seen, he did not think of it as a UFO at the time.


Later on, in the early hours of the morning, Derek was suddenly awoken by a thud on his bed like something had bumped it. He had no clock in his bedroom but the morning light was just starting to appear. Looking out of his bedroom window he again saw the orange orb hovering 10 feet away from the window, bathing its surroundings in orange light. It was moving very slowly in a controlled manner. When it reached the neighbours house and had gone out of sight, Derek ran through to his parent’s bedroom, waking them up in a start. He checked out of the window to see it reappear at the front of the house but it did not. He assumed it must have gone straight up or vanished. He then told his parents about what he had seen. His dad informed him that he had seen something similar over the chemical plant where he worked which had flown against the wind.


Silver Sphere Fright


The following day after seeing the orange orb, Derek went into work like normal, but kept staring up at the sky. It was as if he was waiting for another UFO sighting. That evening he went out to see his friends, who were standing on the corner between Westminster Road and Glenmore Drive. It was a clear and still night and he stayed with them for a while chatting. He was facing Glenmore Drive, but his friends had their backs to it.


Photograph of the corner where the boys stood chatting

Suddenly in the sky he saw a portal of some kind open up. It looked like a sock being rolled back. Through this portal came a spherical silver coloured object. Once the sphere had emerged, this "portal" faded away. The sphere had a completely smooth surface. Derek was frightened by the object and immediately ran away down Richmond Road, without telling his friends what he was running from. There he hid at an old house that he knew.


Aerial map showing Glenmore Drive (A) and Richmond Road (B):

He has no idea how long he hid for but feels it was probably between an hour to an hour and a half. He emerged and could not see the sphere anywhere so began to walk back home. It took him about 10 minutes but seemed like much longer as he was still frightened of the sphere. When he got back he told his mother about what had happened, but did not mention it to anyone else, not even his friends the next time they caught up with him.




After seeing the orange orb and silver sphere, on numerous occasions Derek would wake up in the night and see orbs of light come down through the ceiling of his room. Whenever they appeared, he would hear a voice saying to him "Derek come with us, you'll be safe". The voice sounded like it was actually in the room just above him. He would then black out and not remember what happened next. This even happened when he tried to refuse and replied to the voice that he would not go. It felt like he was being sedated. Derek had no idea of what the orbs were, but he felt sure that he had to go with them whenever they appeared.


Silver Sphere Abduction


When still living with his parents Derek used to work at Placemate 7 on Whitworth Street in Manchester. His auntie's son Joe also worked there. The club used to stay open till 2am, but him and Joe would remain behind another hour to clear up. One night they left at 3am to head home. Derek was driving with Joe sitting in the passenger seat. Derek began to drive Joe to his house on Nursey Road.


As they turned onto Lord Lane, ahead of them in the sky a “portal” opened and a bright silver sphere appeared in a similar fashion to the one he had seen in August 1977. At first the witnesses thought it was the landing lights of a plane, but soon realised it was something else entirely. It was about 150 feet in front of them and 200 feet in the air. It remained motionless in the sky for a moment, then suddenly increased in speed and shot away extremely fast at a right angle to the road in the direction of Ashton/Droylsden to the South. They continued their drive to Joe's home, discussing what had just happened.


Aerial map of Lord Lane

After dropping Joe off, Derek then began the drive back to his own house. He was nervous after what he and Joe had witnessed, and felt a tingling sensation on his skin like he was anticipating something. He glanced at the clock in the car and saw it was now around 4am. As he came round a blind bend on The Fairway, he again saw the silver sphere in the sky in front of him, about 200 feet in the air. He started to drive along the road towards it, when there was a sudden blinding flash of light.


He remembers arriving home about 7.30am. The sun was just starting to come up in the sky, so he knew for certain that a while had passed. He could not remember what had happened for the last three and a half hours.


Silver spheres are one of the more commonly reported types of UFO, and are seen all around the world. They have been witnessed in a variety of sizes ranging from several inches across to larger than an aircraft. They are especially reported by contactees, who have on many occasions seen them both in the sky, and actually accompanying the ETs. It appears that on this occasion Derek may have been abducted by the sphere, or its presence indicated that an abduction was about to take place. The flash of bright light followed by a period of missing time are both classic signs of an abduction experience.


Abduction Memories


In late 1993, Derek moved into his own flat. On a day in late August/early September 1994 he looked out of the window and noticed a silver coloured sphere hovering outside in the air. It approached the window and stopped moving about 12 inches away from the glass. It then seemed to split into three, duplicating to the left and the right so there were now a row of three spheres. Then these three spheres joined back together into one.


Derek 's next memory was of lying down on a shiny metal surface of some kind. He felt like he was tied down onto it. He sensed a number of beings around him, and although he does not actually remember what they looked like he feels that they were small in height.

He then felt a clamp of some kind being put onto his head. This stretched from the back to the front of his head, and caused pressure in the middle of his forehead. He then felt memories from his life being played out. It was as though the beings were trying to experience what he had lived through and feel his emotions. He could not remember any more of his surroundings.


His next clear memory was of being back in his flat standing up. He felt extremely tired and wanted to go to sleep. He was quite disturbed by what had taken place, and without checking the clock he went to bed. The following day he woke up but still felt totally worn out, so fell back off to sleep until later on.


Although Derek did not see any actual ET beings during this experience, at least in the memories he currently remembers, I feel that there is a good chance this was a real abduction. The flat metallic surface he found himself lying down on is very typical of an abduction experience.

Usually contactees are not physically tied down, but could he have been mistaken? Perhaps he wasn't actually tied down but was paralyzed, and this lead him to believe that he was. The clamp that he mentions being put onto his head is interesting. The ETs have been known to use many different instruments during their examinations, perhaps this was some kind of device for extracting his memories.

Certain ET species, especially the Greys, do appear to be very interested in our emotions. They are not often seen to express emotion themselves, and are often viewed as being very neutral and emotionless. Some believe that they are trying to gain an understanding of human emotion because it is something they have not properly developed or have lost over time.


Passing over


In 2005 Derek had to go into hospital for a test on his liver. He went to the Royal Oldham hospital on Rochdale Road, Manchester.


Photograph of Royal Oldham Hospital

Because the beds were almost full in the hospital, he was put in an old man’s ward. In the bed opposite him was a man named Tom who was very ill. Derek was reading in bed, when he glanced over at Tom and noticed a glowing electric blue light all around him. This light was very intense and had ripples running through it. Derek compared these ripples to the lines made on a beach when the waves wash in over the sand. There were nurses around Tom at the time but they did not notice this light at all, it was only him who could see it. Next to the bed contained within this light was a man wearing a smart dark pin stripe suit. The man was slim in build, and had black hair which was brushed back. He was staring at Tom and did not look round at Derek. Derek did not mention the light or the man to the nurses, but it was obvious that they could not see either of them.


About 4am Tom began to shout "Dad don't go! Don't go!"  But Derek watched as the man in the suit left Tom's bedside and walked away along the ward until out of sight.


In the morning, Tom still had the blue light all around him. At 3pm Derek had to go and get a test done. When he returned to the ward he saw Tom's family all around him and it was obvious that he was going to soon pass away. At the end of the bed was Tom's father wearing the same suit as the previous night. Tom's family and the nurses were actually walking through him! He did not speak but Derek sensed that he was waiting for Tom. As the day went on, Tom's family left until only his dad remained at the end of the bed.


It was dinner time, when suddenly Derek heard Tom's dad speak for the first time. He said to Tom "I will come for you". He then left the bedside and again walked along the ward, and faded away just before he reached the doors to the ward.


The next morning, Derek awoke to see a nurse making Tom's bed, which was now empty. The blue glowing light had completely disappeared. He asked her where Tom was, and she informed him that he been moved to a smaller ward and had then died at 3am. Derek did not see Tom's dad come back for him but he feels that this must have surely happened, and that Tom was now at peace.


The fact that other than Tom, only Derek saw the glowing blue light and the apparition of Tom's father is again signs that he has heightened senses.


Voice Of The Dead


In 2006, Derek was out walking Bouncer on the estate where his mother lives. He was about to cross over The Fairway (at roughly the same place where he had previously seen the silver sphere) when he heard a voice say to him "I did not mean to kill myself". Derek crossed over to the other side and then responded to the voice, asking "Hold on, who are you please?" In his mind he then saw the image of an old friend of his named Dave. In this vision Dave was smiling. He and Dave had used to work on the Oldham Parks department for a number of years. Derek exclaimed "Dave!" but the vision was beginning to fade, and he did not hear the voice again.


The following evening, Derek's ex-wife rang up and told him that Dave had died, and was being buried in Hollingwood cemetery the next day. Derek attended the funeral and found out from Dave’s father-in-law that in the years he had not seen him he had developed a drink problem. On the night of his death he had been taken in by the police for his own good, but then released. Early the following morning he was found dead on Huddersfield Road, Oldham.




It was a Friday evening in July 2007, and Derek was out walking Bouncer over Moston Brook. Through the trees he caught sight of a figure of a man, back lit by a strange yellow/orange glowing light. The man was wearing a crash helmet and appeared to be vibrating very fast. It was immediately obvious to Derek that the man was an apparition.


The man approached Derek, and he could see that the man's eyes were wide open with shock and bewilderment. The man looked a little familiar to Derek, but he did not recognise him. Derek said to him "I can help you pass over, but what's your name, please tell me your name".  The man did not speak but continued to stare at him. It looked like he was trying to speak but nothing came out. Derek continued his walk and the man walked alongside him in silence. As he reached his home the apparition faded away.


During the night Derek again saw the man in his dreams. In the morning Derek awoke and found that the right side of his body was in extreme pain. The right side of his head, his right arm and right leg, every bone, every muscle hurt.  After a while the pain seemed to die down, but was still present enough to feel. The man appeared again, still staring at him, obviously in need of help. Derek tried to ignore the pain and the apparition and go about his day. He took his mother out shopping. But his head felt like it was going to explode, so he told his mum he needed to go back to bed. Again his dreams were haunted by the figure.


In the morning once more he was in extreme pain, even worse than the previous day. It was so bad that he didn't want to get up out of bed. But the apparition still appeared again. Derek informed the figure he was going to pray for him, and then he did. On the Monday morning the pain was beginning to subside. The man appeared to him again, but Derek felt that he was calmer this time and was going to be able to communicate. However just when he felt the apparition was going to speak, the phone went off and the man vanished.


Derek didn't want to take the call as he felt it was going to be to do with the apparition he had been seeing. However in the end he picked it up. It was his friend Glyn. She said to him "Derek I've got some bad news". Derek shouted in response "Who Glyn? Which one of us is it?" Glyn replied "Brett Barker, he was killed this weekend on his motorbike in Yorkshire". Derek had met Brett numerous times but was not close friends with him, and had not seen him in a while, which is why he was not immediately recognisable. At the moment he found out about Brett the pain completely went away. Derek did not see the apparition again.


Later in the autumn it was a bright sunny day and Derek was out walking Bouncer when he suddenly felt a strong feeling of peace. A vision of a white corridor appeared before him. He then saw Brett's face, but he was younger than he had been when he had died. Derek knew that he had passed on and was at peace. He wished him well and the vision faded away.


Pray For Her


On another occasion while walking the dog at the back of his mother's estate in Moston, Derek again saw the yellow/orange glow he had seen when the apparition of Brett first appeared to him. This time though, he did not see a figure but instead heard a woman's voice. The voice said to him "Please pray for the soul of Annie Mills". Derek did as the voice asked and began to pray for this unknown lady.


He then had a vision where he was standing in a kitchen. There was a well built woman wearing a white apron in front of him. Derek sensed that this was Annie. She bent down and took out some freshly baked shortbread biscuits from the oven. She offered Derek the biscuits but he refused saying "No thanks". The vision then faded away.


The following day he was out again walking Bouncer, and he began to pray for Annie Mills again. There was a sudden gust of wind and as it passed he heard a very low woman's voice say "Thank you". Derek responded "Peace and love to you Annie".


Later Derek spoke to his mother and informed her about Annie Mills. His mum was amazed and told him that Annie used to be her auntie's next door neighbour, and that she always liked to bake.


Assaulted By A Ghost


In the winter of 2008, Derek was on his regular evening walk with Bouncer over Moston Brook. He was walking through a dark wooded area. Out of nowhere he suddenly felt something hit him in the jaw quite strongly. There was no-one else around and he had definitely not walked into the branch of a tree. When he got home he checked in the mirror and there was a red mark on his chin.


The following day two women were out in the same area and came across the body of a boy who had apparently died of the cold. Derek feels that it was the ghost of this boy who had hit him, perhaps trying to let him know that his body was lying nearby and he wanted to be found.



Small Silver Sphere


In July 2009, Derek was sitting in his living room watching the news. All of a sudden a small silver-coloured ball rose up from behind the TV. It was only about an inch in diameter, and had ridges across its surface, and a cloud of yellow-coloured vapour of some kind around it. As Derek watched, the sphere came over the top of the TV and descended until it was in front of the middle of the screen.


Witness drawing of the small sphere

This is the last thing that Derek remembers about this incident. He does not remember what happened next, and does not remember regaining consciousness of what was taking place around him. There appears to be missing time involved here, but Derek does not know how much.


Again this could well be the start of an abduction experience. As the incident took place in his own home, it is very unlikely that the object was some sort of remote-controlled model. So unless Derek somehow imagined the sphere or was hallucinating, it appears to have actually taken place. I have investigated other contactees who have seen similar things, although the ridges and yellow cloud around the object are unusual and I have not heard them mentioned before.


Drawn To The Stars


From a very early age Derek felt like he wanted to be up in space. He is fascinated by the idea of visiting other worlds and communicating with extraterrestrial races. He feels that space is his true home, and he is especially drawn to one star in particular - the star known as the "Cradle Of The Stars" in the constellation of Orion (one of the stars which makes up Orion's Belt). He has no idea why he feels this way; he has not read anything about this particular star, he only knows the name it is given. Every night he likes to look up at it and feels that he belongs there.


In the winter of 2009, Derek had a strange experience involving this star. On most clear nights he likes to walk Bouncer and look up at the stars as he walks. He was looking up at the star in Orion's Belt when suddenly he felt a surge of energy that appeared to be coming from the star. He stopped walking, and could feel this energy going into his forehead. He is not aware how long he remained there for, but after a time he shouted "I've had enough, I want to come home!" At this moment the feeling of the energy subsided and he and the dog continued their walk.


Often contactees feel drawn to the stars, or feel the sense of belonging that Derek speaks of. It is possible that they are aware that this is where the beings who are interacting with them originate from, or in the case of Star Children they may actually originate from elsewhere and be able to sense this.




Derek has had many fascinating experiences, some of which could well be related to ET contact. He has had UFO sightings, abduction experiences involving missing time and seen numerous beings. His other experiences involving possible psychic abilities and paranormal events could have been caused by side effects from this contact, although this is not a certainty. However many contactees do report such incidents so there does seem to be some link to contact.


Some of the things which have happened to him he cannot currently remember in full. Perhaps in time he will gain a greater understanding of what has taken place and for what reasons. If Derek stays in touch and keep me updated with additional experiences, this report may well be updated in the future.


Copyright Dave Hodrien 2024



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