Birmingham UFO Group Case Report
Author: Dave Hodrien
Release Year: 2010
Last Updated: 16/10/2024
Note: For reasons of anonymity pseudonyms have been used
In 2010 I was contacted via E-Mail by a man who I shall name “Chris”. He wanted to know ways of recovering lost memories that did not involve hypnotic regression. He had previously experienced two incidents which he wanted to learn more about.
Unfortunately Chris did not get back to me after a couple of initial E-Mails so I only have the specific information he provided. Therefore this report is not as thorough as most. However I still feel it is good to get these incidents down on record.
Disc In The Sand
Chris has a vivid memory of a bizarre incident which he believes occurred in the summer of 1973 when he was only two years old. His family had taken him and his cousins on holiday to St Ives in Cornwall. He remembers standing on the beach and looking at a group of adults who were staring down a hole in the sand. To his recollection this hole was about 6 feet across.

He wandered between the legs of the adult’s and looked over the edge of the hole. The walls were smooth, and it was about 12 feet deep. At the bottom of it was a circular shiny metallic disc. At the time he interpreted this as a jellyfish, and thought to himself how large it was.
Chris recalls steadying himself by putting his arm out and holding the knee of a man who was standing next to him. He looked up at the man and realised it was his father. He and all the other adults appeared to be transfixed. He did not say anything or look down at him.
The next thing he recalls is of sitting on a small wall at the edge of the beach with an ice cream. In front of him sitting on the sand was four or five men wearing dark blue uniforms and sunglasses. He does not remember his family or any other adults being nearby.
He tried licking the ice cream but it was sandy which he didn’t like, so he stopped eating it and it started to melt and drip onto his hand. One of the men in sunglasses looked up at him and said that he was lucky that he was too young to get his head fried. When the man spoke he appeared to do so without moving his lips. This is the last thing he remembers taking place that day.

Throughout his life Chris says that neither his parents nor sister mentioned the incident for many years. However in 2008 he re-visited St Ives with his parents. While down on the beach he asked his mother where the hole in the sand was. She pointed to the edge of the sea and simply said “Over there.” She looked like she was going to continue to speak but then something stopped her. Chris noticed she had an odd expression on her face. His father looked away and did not comment.
In early 2010 his parents came to visit him at his home in Devon and they once again decided to go out to St Ives for the day. They walked along the beach together, and Chris found the low wall which he recollects sitting on. He didn’t mention anything to them, but this further cemented it as a real experience.
On the drive back to Devon along the A390 his mother suddenly stated that when he was very young he pointed at a light in the sky and asked “Is that the UFO?” However after saying this she seemed to become agitated so he did not press her for any further information. It became clear to him that something very strange had taken place.
The Long Walk
When Chris was about 8 years old (around 1979) he was living in Moston, Manchester. His grandmother lived just around the corner, so they would regularly walk round to visit her.

On this particular occasion they set off like usual from their home, but when they arrived it was discovered that two hours had inexplicably gone by. Chris did not state how this time difference was discovered, but it must have involved his family as well as just himself due to his young age.
Chris has had a couple of very intriguing experiences (and by the sound of it possibly more). The unusual set of circumstances at St Ives is truly bizarre and unlike anything I have heard before. Due to his very young age at the time it may certainly just be down to childhood imagination.
Perhaps it really was a jellyfish in a depression in the sand, which he now simply remembers as a metal disc in a deeper hole. Or even some kind of circular metallic debris. Maybe someone had purposely dug a hole and then placed a jellyfish or something similar in the base of it, and adults were crowding around to take a look. Maybe he then simply forgot being taken over to the wall to get an ice cream, and the group of uniformed men may just be other holiday goers and nothing out of the ordinary.
That said, there are some unusual aspects to the incident, including the apparent depth and smoothness of the hole, the fact that all the adults present seemed to be transfixed, the outfits the group of men were wearing and his memory of one of them speaking without moving his lips. Could the object really have been something more unusual such as a small landed/crashed craft?
I do not have much detail about the later incident, but it appears that Chris and other members of his family all experienced a couple of hours of missing time. The fact that there were multiple people involved clearly indicates that something must have taken place.
If Chris ever gets back in touch further details may be added to this report.
Copyright Dave Hodrien 2024