Birmingham UFO Group Case Report
Author: Dave Hodrien
Release Year: 2011
Last Updated: 14/11/2024
Note: For reasons of anonymity pseudonyms have been used
This report covers a fascinating childhood experience involving a UFO, Grey visitation and possible abduction. Unfortunately only certain initial details are known about, after a single phone call no further information was obtainable.
Incident Details
In 1980/81 when “Stuart” was either 10 or 11 years old he lived with his family in Nottingham. One night he was stopping over at his grandmother’s house. He was sent up to bed about 8pm and believes he dropped off to sleep.
His next recollection was of standing up. He had his eyes closed initially but felt something pushing on his temple. Next he felt electrical pain down both sides of his head which caused his eyelids to be forced open.
When he opened his eyes he found himself standing on the edge of the grass-covered field of Sycamore Park, roughly 200 yards from the house. It was not broad daylight but there was some light in the sky meaning he could see his surroundings.

There was a Grey standing alongside him, although he did not realise this was what it was at the time. It was about five and a half feet tall. He cannot remember the colour of its skin but it was very slender and unclothed. Its head was the shape of an upside-down tear. It had two large oval shaped eyes and a small nose.
The being was holding a device against his forehead which was clearly responsible for the pain and reaction from his eyes. He looked to his right across the park and saw a landed spherical shaped object. It was silver in colour and about 12-14 feet across. In the side of the object there was a round shaped opening from which a number of dark square steps emerged that led down to the ground.
Stuart is unaware of what happened next. One moment he was standing there looking at the object on the ground and the being, the next he was walking back up the hill to his grandmother’s house. As he walked he could still feel the pain on the sides of his head. He does not recall reaching the house, going back inside or getting back into bed.
His next memory is of waking up much earlier than he would normally get up. He checked the clock and found it was 5am. He immediately remembered standing in the park, but viewed it as a strange and extremely vivid dream. However the sides of his head were still hurting.
Suddenly he saw a bright white light outside the bedroom window coming from behind the closed curtains. Frightened by this light he shut his eyes and pulled the duvet over his head. He waited for ten minutes in silence before checking and found that the light had now gone. He did not drop back off to sleep but instead remained awake until morning.
He is unsure of whether he informed his mother or grandmother about what had taken place. He has no memory of them talking with him about it.
Incident Analysis
This is a very intriguing series of events which has all the hallmarks of a contact experience, albeit one with some highly unusual elements. Many experiencers view experiences that happen during night-time hours as vivid dreams instead of actual events. It is extremely likely that the spherical object he saw was a landed craft from which the Grey had emerged.
If we assume that Stuart really was down the park in the early hours of the morning then it is likely that one of a couple of scenarios seems most probable. I have dealt with numerous other cases where individuals have seemingly been compelled to walk to a particular outside location, where they find a landed or hovering craft which they are then taken aboard. It is possible that that had taken place, and the memories of both walking to the park and the abduction itself had been blocked out (potentially by the strange device being utilised by the Grey).
Another possibility is that he had not walked to the park but had been abducted from his bedroom, and for whatever reason the beings decided to drop him back off at the nearby park instead of exactly where he was taken from. There are many other cases on record where this seems to have been the case.
The device being used on his head is extremely unusual, and I have not come across any other cases where the same thing has been reported, although there may potentially be some on record. It may have been responsible for his fragmented memories of the incident, but to counter balance this I have dealt with many cases involving missing time but this particular aspect has not been mentioned in these cases.
The fact that the sides of his head still hurt when he awoke at 5am point towards the incident having actually taken place. Also the white light he saw outside his window could well have been from a lit craft, although he never confirmed this. When I asked him about this particular aspect he said “Directly outside the window was the back garden, and at the end of this were garages and other houses. There was nothing mundane nearby which could have caused it.”
Later on in his life this experience led to a fascination with the UFO subject, one which remains to this day. I would like to thank Stuart for coming forward with this information.
Copyright Dave Hodrien 2024