Birmingham UFO Group Case Report
Author: Dave Hodrien
Release Year: 2011
Last Updated: 19/11/2024
Early Memories
Deborah claims to have memories from a very early age, as the following testimony confirms.
“I remember being an infant, not long after I was born, lying on my back in cot with a row of brightly coloured, fuzzy objects strung across above me. Beyond them were the fuzzy figures of people looking in at me. Everything was fuzzy and I felt very disorientated. I was trying to communicate with them, but I could not co-ordinate anything. My mouth would not make the right sounds and my body would not do what I wanted it to do.”
In her childhood Deborah felt that she was somehow different to the rest of her family. This even led to a phase where she would ask her mother on various occasions if she was adopted. At age five she started school but found it very hard to fit in. She could not relate to the other children well, and was told on numerous occasions that she was very mature for her age.
As she got older she realised that she was different in many ways to the other members of her family, and that these early feelings had been correct. This is commonly reported by repeat experiencers, and suggests that their connection with the NHIs (Non Human Intelligences) extends to much more than just contact.
A Visitation
In the autumn of 1960, potentially mid-October, when Deborah was just three years old she experienced a visitation by numerous types of beings. At present this is the only definite contact experience involving beings that she is aware of, though it is possible that she has had more since which have been blocked out of her mind. Back then she lived in a house on Woodward Close in Pershore, Worcestershire with her parent, two sisters and brother.

It was night time and as usual she had been put to bed around 6pm. She shared the bedroom with her older sister, but on this particular night she was staying over at her grandmother’s house, so Deborah was alone in the room.

In the early hours of the morning she remembers sitting up in bed and finding the whole room bathed in a bright white light that appeared to be coming in through the bedroom window. The light was blinding and it seemed to her that the window no longer existed.
Even though she was only three years old Deborah feels that it was between 3.30-4am. One of the main reasons she feels this is that ever since this experience she has regularly woken up at this time, and for much of her life this was accompanied by extreme fear, although in more recent years this feeling of dread has gone away.
A tall male humanoid figure stepped forward out from the light into the room. Immediately her mind was flooded with euphoric feelings – she was completely at ease about the presence of the being and actually felt good. She felt that her body no longer belonged to her. She also became aware that she was completely paralysed like she was in a trance of some kind.
When I asked Deborah about the appearance of this being she said “He was very tall, slim and wearing a long cloak with a hood. He also seemed to be wearing a long tunic down to his feet with some kind of belt around it. The fabric had a sheen to it like silk. Colours were difficult to see because the light was so bright and his silhouette quite dark but there did seem to be a silvery-blue quality to it.”
Initially the figure had his hood up so his facial features were hard to see. But he then reached up and took the hood down. However, Deborah says that it was still difficult to make out his face in great detail.
“His hair seemed to be fair with the light shining through it, but it was short, with a definite curl, more like a Greek statue. His features gave the impression of that European ‘ideal type’. I’m not certain that this is truly what he looked like or if my mind filled in the gap because of his hair. There was something kind of transparent and unreal about it. Also there was something kind of leaden and unanimated about him. He moved his arms to remove the hood and that was it. Otherwise he did not move at all. He almost seemed quite sad, like he didn’t really want to be doing what he was doing.”

As she watched she then saw several much smaller beings run from behind the tall being into the room.
Regarding their description, Deborah says “Monkeys were the nearest thing I’d seen to what they looked like at that point. They were probably about the same size as I was but skinnier and spindlier. They were dark in colour, a dark grey, but they had quite pointy elongated skulls and I’m quite sure they had tails.
They didn’t have fur but they were very bony like a Mexican hairless cat. And their skin was quite tough and textured like a lizard or a tortoises legs. Not as rough and spiked as, say, a crocodiles back but kind of half way between a snake and a tortoises legs. They had very long fingers, small pointy ears, very ugly little faces. They were not in the least bit cute. They had very small mouths, and relatively large black eyes. There was none of appealing, childlike quality of ‘ET’ or the little beings in Close Encounters of the Third Kind. In fact they looked quite vicious, like they could give you a really nasty bite.
As they ran it was more like the way a monkey runs than a human does. A funny hunched over scurrying.”
The short beings jumped up onto the bed around her. One of them on her left was particularly close and she could see it had small needle-like teeth in its mouth. They disappeared behind her and then she saw them touching the side of her face and felt them doing something to the back of her neck, though she could not turn to look at them.

Regarding this procedure Deborah says “It was like an icy coldness all down my back. It started at my neck and then it was like icy cold claws digging in all the way down my spine. I was aware of fingers moving right by my left eye. I was able to roll my eyeballs sideways and see fingers, but whether they were the source of the icy coldness I do not know. It felt more like some kind of cold, metallic instrument. At this point I do not recall any pain.”
At the same time as being in the state of euphoria she was also repulsed by the idea of these small beings interacting with her. The tall being then projected a thought directly into her mind. She sensed that it was from her ‘real’ home and that all would be explained to her if she stayed still and co-operated with what was taking place. Deborah believed what the being told her and trusted that it meant well.
She has no idea how long this went on for or how it ended, this part of the experience is currently blocked out. Nor can she recall the following morning or whether she spoke with any of her family about what happened. She says that even if she did they would have put it down to her imagination or a bed dream.
Life went on as normal after the experience, but part of her still waited for the explanation that never came. She was traumatised by what had taken place for many years.
When she was older she decided to revisit the experience. She asked herself “What if this being was lying? What if they were able to induce a euphoric state in order to manipulate you into compliance with something you would not otherwise accept?” With the acceptance of this possibility, Deborah was able to get past the trauma of the experience and move on with her life.
It is very probable that this experience was a visitation by NHIs. Humanoid beings, often referred to as Nordics, are regularly reported, and are often seen wearing hooded robes.
The shorter beings are much more unusual. They could have been a species very rarely experienced, or could well have been Greys using a screen memory to partially mask their true appearance. Certainly some aspects fit with this, including their short slender body frame and black coloured eyes. Usually when both Nordics and Greys are seen, the Greys are the beings who perform manual tasks while the Nordics stand watch over the proceedings or speak to the experiencer, just as Deborah describes.
The light which filled the room was probably from a craft in the vicinity. The beings then came through the wall into the bedroom. The paralysis during the experience and strange feelings of euphoria have both been commonly described by contactees during many other cases. The short beings appeared to then do something to the back of Deborah’s neck.
Other experiencers have reported having procedures performed on this area. Usually the beings perform this type of procedure actually on board a craft, however there are a number of cases where they have worked on experiencers right where they are located rather than abducted them. It is possible that after this point Deborah was abducted but the memories of this have been lost. We can only speculate what this could have been – perhaps they were checking or putting in an implant.
Deborah has suffered with chronic pain for much of her life which is very reminiscent of the icy coldness she felt down her neck and back during the experience. Her doctor has put this pain down to fibromyalgia, but Deborah is convinced that it is at least partially linked to what took place in her childhood. She says that the pain around her neck and shoulder area has become notably less intense since she released some of the emotional trauma around this experience by discussing it in depth with me during the investigation.
This would be a fascinating experience to explore under hypnotic regression, and I feel that further details may well be revealed from this if it is a route that Deborah decides to take. She informs me that she has been regressed before but not specifically about this incident. Her mind travelled immediately to what happened under hypnosis, but the regressive hypnotherapist she went to see did not believe it was contact related and dismissed the details which came forward as being caused by sleep paralysis, false awakening and possibly a natural screen memory to block something else traumatic which occurred.
I disagree with this explanation. While there are some aspects which would fit sleep paralysis, Deborah was initially unparalysed as she was able to sit up in bed. Also there are many aspects which link this with contact and a genuine visitation experience, I have investigated many other similar cases before. Additionally, Deborah says that she has actually experienced sleep paralysis
Communication with Grandpa
Deborah often used to spend her weekends round her grandparents. When she was six years old her grandfather unfortunately passed away. She went round to keep her grandmother company. While she was there she went out to play in the shed where her grandfather used to often work.
As she played she became aware that his presence was there next to her. Deborah knew that he was not there in the physical sense but still existed in a different form. She had a whole conversation with him just as they had always done. Afterwards she went and told her grandmother but unfortunately she did not believe her and became very angry with her.
Experiencers often seem to possess highly developed senses and psychic abilities, so although this was clearly not ET related it is still relevant indirectly.
Information from Elsewhere?
At seven years old, Deborah watched a program on ancient Egypt. A picture of the great pyramid was shown and the commentator spoke about how old it was. At this moment Deborah felt a strange tingling sensation throughout her body, and was aware that the commentator was incorrect. She knew that the pyramids were much older than what was being stated.

Later in the program the Sphinx was being discussed. Again Deborah felt the tingling sensation and somehow knew that the Sphinx should actually have the head of a lion.
When she was older she read about some Geologists who believed exactly what she had known all those years ago – that the sphinx was much older than had been commonly accepted, and that it may have originally had the head of a lion which was later modified. You can read an article about this theory here:
If this theory is indeed true then what could be the reason for Deborah’s feelings? Does she or the NHIs she is in contact with have a link with ancient Egypt? Had she been granted this knowledge and seeing the TV program about it somehow triggered what she knew? Could her feelings have been down to a premonition of what she would later come to understand? Deborah is certain that at 7 years old she had not read about any theories surrounding the pyramids or sphinx.
This was not the only time that she felt this tingling sensation and received information / words seemingly from an outside source. When she was 11 years old she had to write a poem for her English class. She was sitting on a swing in her back garden after dark and thinking about what to write. As she gazed up at the moon once again she got the same sensation she had experienced when she was seven. Words then started to flow into her mind. She rushed inside the house and wrote them down. There was only two verses but as the poem had to be handed in the next day she decided this would have to do.
When her teacher read the poem he was extremely impressed and gave her an A plus. He actually asked her whether she had written it herself, to which she replied that she had. She was a little disturbed by this incident, so although she had similar things happen on other occasions she never again wrote down anything which came to her in this manner.
The Disappearance
When she was nine Deborah, her family and another family who lived nearby went on a camping holiday to Oxwich, Swansea. The other family had a daughter named Daphne who was the same age as Deborah. The campsite was by the sea, and the girls were allowed down the beach on their own to explore. They found a rock pool which Deborah was fascinated by. Daphne wanted to walk down to the edge of the sea but Deborah was happy and decided to stay by the pool. She remained behind and sat there gazing into the water.

The next thing she became aware of, she was suddenly feeling cold and hungry, and it was no longer sunny but was now overcast. She stood up and went to look for Daphne. She couldn’t see her anywhere so decided to walk back to the campsite. When she arrived she found Daphne back at the tent with her parents. They were not happy with her and wanted to know where she had been. Apparently Daphne had returned to the rock pool to find no-one there, had returned to the campsite, got her parents, and then they had all gone out looking for her.
Deborah was confused by what had happened. As far as she was aware she had only spent a short time at the rock pool. But in fact several hours had gone by which she could not account for. She has never been able to figure out what happened that day.
This is a very interesting incident indeed. Daphne knew where the rock pool was but on her return Deborah was nowhere to be seen. She had seemingly vanished. If she had dropped off to sleep then surely she would have found her there next to the pool? And if we suggest that she was lying down and hidden from view, surely she would have definitely been found when Daphne returned to the pool with her parents? The other mystery is of course the fact that to Deborah only a short amount of time had seemingly taken place. She does not recall dropping off to sleep or waking back up, to her it felt like she had been awake the whole time.
When contact takes place, the majority of the time the memories of the experience are blocked out from the experiencer’s mind. This is probably done to reduce the trauma of what has taken place. To the individual it appears that they have a period of missing time they cannot account for. Could Deborah have been abducted while she remained at the rock pool on her own? Although she does not remember anything unusual taking place at the time, this theory cannot be ruled out.
Healing Touch
At the age of 18, Deborah started training as a nurse. During this time she found that she appeared to possess the ability to heal aches and pains with her hands. When she would lay her hands on people with ailments such as this, the pain would disperse and not come back. She would explore this ability more later in her life, but this was where she first discovered it.
A Meaningful Dream
One night when Deborah was 26 years old she had an extensive and vivid dream, one which has remained with her ever since. In this dream she was standing on the top of a tall column of people, very high up above the clouds. She could see a golden spire in the distance coming up through the cloud layer. She knew this was the destination of everyone in the column but did not know why.
She was aware that this journey had taken a long time, so long that she had forgotten all of her memories of her life on the ground. However suddenly everything changed. She received a message in her mind stating that “The Walker” would like her to come down to the ground to speak with him. She responded stating that she was “The Dreamer” and needed to stay where she was to continue progressing towards the destination.
However The Walker was insistent and kept asking her until she agreed. She curled into a foetal shape and was carefully passed down the column, one person at a time. As she got nearer to the ground, she started to get in more and more pain. Below her was a dense jungle of chaotic colours and sounds. As she was passed down through the canopy she could see a tribe of dancing people around the base of the column.
When she finally reached the ground the pain was almost unendurable. At this point the column of people got down off one another and formed a crowd around her, sheltering her from the chaos. This reduced the pain enough for her to stand up. The crowd parted and a tall and muscular man stepped forth. He had long blond hair, and looked filthy, covered in mud and scars. Initially he had his eyes closed. When he reached her he opened them, they were a stunning sky blue in colour and filled with light.
He reached out to touch her and at this point she realised he was blind. She fell to her knees in emotion, realising he had been carrying the column without ever being able to see. When she looked back up he was gone. The crowd of people built a tent around her. Later on he returned and they made love. In the morning he was gone, but she felt invigorated and full of energy. Everyone re-formed the column and picked her back up into the clouds. But they could now walk so much faster than before.
As they approached the golden spire everyone started singing triumphantly. A golden pyramid with a dome on the top came into view. Everyone got down off each other and began to run up the steps. When they entered the dome they found a jewelled map of the stars on the floor. Everyone knew where to stand. The Walker appeared again but now he was clean of mud and scars, shining in golden light.
As their eyes met the floor started to shake and Deborah realised that the pyramid was actually a craft. It lifted off and ascended skywards, leaving the atmosphere. Once out in orbit it started to disappear, leaving her and everyone else floating in space but reformed as beings of light. All around them they could see other beings flying around in vehicles of various shapes which reminded her of children’s play toys.
The dream ended with these other beings speaking to her and welcoming her to the universe. This is a deep but bizarre dream, and it clearly did not physically take place. However there are some interesting links with contact, including the description of The Walker fitting with that of a Nordic being, and the craft towards the end of the dream. While it is clearly heavily symbolic, it may have aspects which relate to her actual experiences.
The Ball of Light
It was New Years Eve of 1986. Deborah was out with her boyfriend Andy. It was very dark and was a stunning night, with the stars were fully visible overhead. Andy decided to take her out to Cleehill in Shropshire as he said it was the perfect place to star gaze. They drove up to the highest point on the hill. They saw in the New Year, and sat there in silence observing the night sky.

Suddenly Deborah felt myself being drawn forwards very fast. She was still sitting on the hill, but there was also an overwhelming sensation of speeding forwards into the stars. She felt transfixed and could not stop it from happening.
She became aware of a sphere of light ahead of her. It was not solid, but like a ball of very fast moving geometric patterns of light. She thought to herself “Shit! That’s what I’m speeding towards!” But then she realised she wasn’t speeding towards it – it was speeding towards her!
She then felt something hit her between the eyes which was not painful. She has no idea what happened next. She says there was definitely some missing time here, but not for very long.
Next thing she knew she was crying, but not with fright, rather with the overwhelming sense of relief. When she finally managed to compose herself she looked around at Andy. For a minute they both sat there in silence. Then he exclaimed “What the fuck was that?!”
She simply responded with “I don’t know.”
They sat in stunned silence a while before Deborah suggested they should go back home. They stood up and got back into the car. However, when Andy turned the key in the ignition nothing happened. The car appeared to have had its battery drained, which was very strange as a new battery had only been put in the day before.
In the end they had to go down the road to a house they’d previously passed and get some people having a New Year party to come and give them a push. With their help they got the car started and managed to get home. When they arrived they realised the time was now 3am. They could not understand where so much time had gone.
The following morning the car battery was dead again. Deborah says that the garage which had put the new battery in was only next door, so they walked over and asked them to recharge it. But when they tried this it would not even charge back up!
The man at the garage seemed intrigued by this and wanted to discover why it would not charge up. He took the battery apart and found that the metal connectors inside were completely warped and buckled. As the battery was new, and had worked fine before their arrival at the Clee Hills, there was no rational explanation for this.
Telepathy & Healing
Soon after the orb experience at the Clee Hills Deborah was on her own listening to music at night. Suddenly a column of light beamed down onto the top of her head. Her mind “opened up” and a presence descended to connect with her.
She saw an image of the ‘Golden Man’ she had dreamed about when she was 26. She was completely overwhelmed by his presence and collapsed to the floor in tears. Deborah says that the love that came with him was like nothing she had felt before. She started to ask him questions in her mind and received both answers and telepathic visions in response.
This began happening most nights from this point when, only she was alone. She realised that unlike the visitation she experienced when she was three it would only happen with her own consent.
Deborah claims that the nature of the information and visions she received fell into three categories - A deeply personal ‘story’ about a ‘life’ she and the Golden Man had spent together in a far distant time, the true history of humanity on this planet, and detailed technical information about how the universe works energetically.
In response to her asking why she was being given all of this information, the Nordic informed her that there was a massive amount of healing to be done, both personally and for humanity as a whole, that she was a part of this, and that the place she had got to start was with herself.
As a result she was drawn to read any books/articles which corroborated and confirmed what she was receiving. Despite being happy with the experiences and information she was receiving she found it hard to believe that it was actually taking place, and was also confused about what she was supposed to do in her life as a result. She did not consider herself to be a spiritually minded person at that point. She did not tell anyone else about what was occurring as she thought they would not understand and would think she was going mad.
After a while things started to happen while Andy was present. Deborah says “One night I woke up ‘buzzing’ all over. Andy was asleep. I did not want to wake him up so I just lay there on my back. But then something else started to happen. Suddenly it was as if something was shoving me in the solar plexus, pushing down sharply from above me, causing me to jack-knife convulsively and start bouncing about the bed. It did not hurt, there was no pain. But there was absolutely nothing I could do to stop it, indeed the more I tried to stop it the worse it got so I just decided to relax and let it go on. I was not scared. I felt perfectly safe. However, I started bouncing around so vigorously that it woke Andy up, and when he saw what was happening he was very scared indeed. So there I was, bouncing about the bed, trying to calm him down, assuring him that everything was all right and that it would stop when it was ready to stop.
Another time this started to happen when I was standing up. Again Andy was present, but this time the convulsions became so intense that I was bodily picked up off the floor and thrust back into the wall. Again, there was no pain and no injury and no fear on my part. When I asked the ‘golden man’ why this was happening he said that it was happening because the energies trying to open up within me were meeting massive resistance. This made sense to me because I knew I was resisting.”
As a result of these on-going experiences and speaking to others for advice, at the age of 31 Deborah began training at a College of Healing. According to Deborah through this training she learnt to heal people through her hands, although she has no officially documented proof of this ability. She continues to heal people to this day, and is still in contact with the Golden Man, who some refer to as her “spirit guide”.
Deborah has had some very intriguing experiences throughout her life. She has provided some fascinating detailed testimonials of these experiences. Her memories of the visitation early in her life certainly fit with a contact experience, and her many other experiences also have aspects which could be related.
How you feel about her claims of healing people in her later years totally depends on your views on alternative healing methods. I have dealt with a number of other contact cases where similar abilities have been claimed, but it is of course hard to prove without people coming forward and providing medical records, and I am unable to contact these other people in the first place.
If you have any information relating to any of Deborah’s described experiences please get in touch.
Copyright Dave Hodrien 2024