Birmingham UFO Group Case Report
Author: Dave Hodrien
Release Date: 23/01/2009
Last Updated 10/09/2024
Note: For reasons of anonymity pseudonyms have been used for some witnesses
Sighting Details
It was late on a clear and still evening in the summer of 1993. Dean Page got picked up from his house by his friend "Joe" for a night out at Liberties nightclub. It was a very warm evening so the front windows of the car were down.
As Joe drove towards the lights on Bristol Road, Selly Oak, Dean started to watch a red light in the sky above the university hospital. It was moving towards the area of Northfield/Harborne. They stopped at the lights and Dean had a good view of the light as it disappeared behind the houses next to the Lazy Fox Public House.

Dean and Joe continued their journey. Dean crouched in his seat and continued to watch the sky to see if he could spot the object again. As they passed the hospital on their right, he spotted the red light/lights passing almost directly over them and the hospital. The object had changed course and double-backed on itself.

They had the car stereo on at very low volume, and as it passed over Dean noticed that the object was completely silent. He muttered something about the object and Joe asked him what was wrong. They had soon moved away from the area and he did not see the lights again. When they arrived at the club, Dean asked Joe if he had seen anything. He said no, but later confided that possibly he did see something.
Looking back on the sighting, Dean feels that the object was low, about 100-200 feet in the sky. He also feels that the light was part of a much larger object, and was blocking out the stars over a sizeable area. Since the sighting, Dean has looked into the UFO subject and wonders if the object he saw that night was a Flying Triangle.
Due to the nature of this sighting, it is hard to speculate what the object could have been. If the object was, as the witness remembers, blocking out a large area of stars then this would immediately make it harder to explain. However he did not see a clearly defined shape at the time so we have no way of comparing it to other objects.
Red is one of the colours of normal aircraft navigation lights, but if it was a conventional aircraft surely other lights would also have been seen such as white static/white strobing/green, especially given the object was seen moving in different directions. Also if it was a simply a plane, why would it have changed course and be heading back the way it had came? Most of the time planes take a steady course across the sky.
It could not have been a drone as this incident occurred decades before these were commercially available. However, without further information I can give no other opinions on this sighting, and it remains exactly what the witness describes it as….an unidentified flying object.
Copyright Dave Hodrien 2024